Green Taxonomy for green credit and green bond

12/08/2022 - 1747 Views

On July 29th 2022, GIZ Macroeconomic Reforms/Green Growth Programme collaborated with the Institute of Strategy and Policy on Natural Resources and Environment (ISPONRE) to organize the Consultation Workshop in Ho Chi Minh city on “The Draft of the Prime Minister’s Decision on promulgation of regulations on environmental criteria and verification for projects financed through green credit and green bond” (Hereby in short Green Taxonomy).

In the context that Viet Nam has issued many strategies and policies aiming at environmental protection, green growth, and net-zero emission commitment by 2050, it is urgent to have a standardized green taxonomy to promote green credit and green bond, thus contributing to support policies implementation and transparency for green finance in Viet Nam.

The consultation workshop is an activity in the chain of efforts to establish such green taxonomy for green credit and green bond as required by the Law on Environmental Protection (LEP) and its related Governmental Decrees. The Green Taxonomy covers 8 sectors, 83 green economic activities and green investment projects with environmental screening criteria, thresholds, and indicators, contributing to eight environmental goals in LEP.

Participants at the workshop included diverse stakeholders from line ministries, banking and bond market associations, financial institutions, corporates, and top sectoral experts from academia and research institutions.

At the workshop, the participants discussed and presented their comments on the Draft Decision, especially to make taxonomy more practical to the financial sector. Those critical opinions were received by the drafting team and would be useful to align with the status-quo in Viet Nam and international standards. They will be the basis for finalizing the Decision before submission to the Prime Minister (PM) by the end of this year.

After this workshop in Ho Chi Minh City, the next consultation workshop for this Draft Decision of the PM is expected to be held in Ha Noi in the last quarter of 2022.

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