New publications by the SD Project

31/12/2021 - 637 Views

Social Dimension of Sustainable Green Growth Project of GIZ in Vietnam is going to conclude but the effort to provide assistance to partner on the topic of enhancing the successful integration of social impact assessment into the policy making process will be on until last days of the project and even after.

As the result of the companionship of Social Dimension Project’s Partner, The Legal Department - Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, all key publications that have been developed with technical assistance from Social Dimension Project have been handed over to partners on the last day of the year 2021, such as:

  • The MoLISA Handbook on conducting Social Impact Assessment & Gender Impact Assessment providing a detailed guideline on policy impact assessment with the focus on social dimensions and gender equality mainstreaming, in the context of Vietnam, there is no official manual on these two contents (out of the five required in regard to policy impact assessment in accordance to the Law on Promulgation of Legislative Documents).
  • The course book on Policy’s Social Impact Assessment in the Development of Legal Documents, published by Hanoi Law University that will be used as an elective subject in in the school's regular training program starting from the next academic year in 2022
  • The Book of Policy Analysis and Social Impact Assessment issued by the University of Social Sciences & Humanities to be used as referencing guidance for the school’s modules related to Social policy, Policy analysis of Sociology and Social works, Management science, etc. for undergraduate, master's and short-term training levels from the academic year 2021-2022.


These publications were developed to serve a wide range of audience, from policy makers to scholars, students  and anyone having interests and need on the topic of policy analysis with the focus on social and gender equality inclusiveness. Moreover, a free and open access to the digital format of these documents will also be provided to public via the website of MoLISA Training School on Labour and Social Affairs (SOLASA).

The completion of these publication is part of the successful implementation of Social Dimension of Sustainable Green Growth Project and again marks the meaningful contribution of GIZ in providing technical assistance to the Vietnamese government to improve the effectiveness of its governance, to ensure the inclusive and sustainable development of the country especially in the complex development of covid-19 pandemic worldwide.


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