Strengthening Advisory Capacity on Green Growth Issues

Comissioning Party






Since the beginning of comprehensive reform initiatives in 1990s, Viet Nam has developed rapidly accompanied by impressive economic growth and thus is nowadays characterized as a lower middle-income country. Nevertheless, its recent growth has been fuelled by the extensive use of labour, natural resources and capital. In order to follow its growth track, Viet Nam must therefore increase productivity of use of factors and improve the quality of growth. In 2013, Viet Nam adopted the National Green Growth Strategy as a new orientation towards the objective to improve the quality of growth. The topic of green growth is relatively new in Viet Nam and analytical capacity in this respect has to be developed in order to be able to advise the Government of Viet Nam and to suggest coherent policy proposals for this reorientation of growth policies. Therefore, the programme supports the Central Institute for Economic Management (CIEM) by strengthening its advisory capacity in issues regarding green growth.


Overall objective of the programme is the improvement of the effectivity and professionalism of advisory activities through CIEM on issues regarding green growth.


The programme supports the international exchange of experiences and peer learning through conferences, workshops and study tours. The focus is on support in policy simulation and impact analysis of policy measures especially with respect to environmental issues as well as on the organization of national policy dialogues with stakeholders from different sectors. Beyond, research in selected topics related to green growth is promoted and the participation of civil servants in the general Human Capacity Development (HCD) component of the programme is supported.


Presentations and Reports


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Contact person

Ms Pham Bich Ngoc